Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Singlehood groceries

Last week, I reached a minor yet special milestone: purchasing my last singlehood groceries before marriage.

No more half gallons of milk or individual packages of anything.

I’m usually someone who enjoys cooking, but only when I’m with other people. Whenever I cook for myself, at least a third of it goes bad from either my boredom with the dish or the difficulty eating the meal made for four in a week.

Since Russell left for Sweden, we haven’t been making meals together, which means I’ve reverted back to my old ways. My bachelorette food groups include Lean Cuisines, sandwiches, cereal and fresh fruits and vegetables. Sometimes, if I get a little crazy, I’ll make eggs and pancakes.

As some of you know, I was still in the cooking mood a week after Russell left, and I made a wonderful meal of sautéed chicken with sundried tomatoes, black olives and basil. When I placed the chicken in the canola oil, some of it came up and hit my wedding ring finger, which resulted in a nasty blister and a trip to the doctor for a treatment and burn cream. The finger is still a little red and probably will continue to be so during the wedding.

Despite this unfortunate incident, I enjoy cooking, but my main love is baking. However, when you bake a batch of brownies or a cake all for yourself, this can only mean bad things for the waistline.

Of course, while the calorie count I’m taking in now may not be bad, I know there’s a much more nutritious way of living.

Here’s to marriage and fresh ingredients!

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