Friday, April 2, 2010

You know you're in love when...

Some couples have arguments because they spend too much time together.

For Russell and me, we’ve had little spats because right now, we haven’t spent enough time together.

This may not make sense, but to those who know what it feels like to be away from the one you love, your sadness of missing each other turns into arguments that have nothing to do with being upset with that person, and more about the deeper reason – I just want to see you.

These moments remind me of how much I do love Russell. While we would prefer to be together, when we’re apart, I remember how good it is to have him around, how he makes me laugh, supports me and loves me. I never want to take this for granted.

Today, I sent my passport and the 20-plus pages required by the Swedish government for my “planning to marry a permanent resident” visa application to Washington, D.C. The potential new senior editor at work is already starting to take on some of my duties. This weekend, I’ll begin the packing process. And in May, I’ll better know what direction my personal career and development in Sweden will go.

The once far-off journey is now becoming reality. I’m ready.

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